LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge lights and last an (appliance) lifetime.
Bosch Free standing fridge-freezer 365L KDN43VL2N5
LED light: keeps the contents of your fridge in the spotlight.
Multi Airflow System: even air distribution for longer freshness.
The fan-assisted MultiAirflow System causes gentle, even currents of cold air to emerge at all levels of the chilling and freezing area. Temperature fluctuations are minimised and cooling times reduced – which helps your foods retain their flavour for longer.
Two separate cooling circuits are more convenient and save energy.
In appliances with separate cooling circuits, the chilling and freezer sections can be controlled separately. Easy-to-use electronic controls allow you to adjust the temperatures individually.
FreshSense: perfect storage climate.
Thanks to the optimum storage conditions, your food preserves an ideal consistency; ice cream, for instance, is neither too soft nor too hard. A constant temperature in the fridge interior is a decisive factor in achieving more freshness and flavour. FreshSense sensors constantly monitor and control the ambient, fridge and freezer temperature. A constant temperature inside the fridge, independent of the outer temperature, is the result.
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